After bagging the Moose Munch, which is really caramel corn with peanuts and pecans drizzled with white chocolate and green sugar, I decided they need a cute tag of course. So I sat here and designed the cutest tag out of the pile of scrapes on my table. I kid you not the pile of scraps is huge! It was actually a lot of fun. I do kind of enjoy the challenge of working with somewhat limited supplies. It isn't quite as overwhelming as everything in my craft room.

I used the 2" circle punch to round the end of the tag and a 1" circle punch to punch the hole in the center.
These are really fun for me and I enjoy creating this type of projects for my Christmas gifts. I pray as you prepare for the Christmas season, you will take the time to reflex on the the greatest gift of all- Jesus Christ, God's Only begotten son. As much of the world celebrates His birth at this time, don't miss the wonder of God's gift to mankind.
"Joy to the World- the Lord is come, let
Heaven and Nature sing!"

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