Good Morning! I'm guessing you have a busy day today just like I do! As I write this I have no grandchildren responsibilities. This could change any given minute , but for right now, I'm Off! That means, "Get as much done as you can before they call". Yesterday I told you about the ESL class I was stamping with at my momma's church. It was really a lot of fun. The ladies seemed to really enjoy it. Thank God we only had about 20 instead of the expected 40.The ladies got very creative with their projects. Here are a few pictures I snapped as they were working.

We had several different countries represented and everyone seemed to be speaking a different language. It was very interesting trying to give them instructions for each project. Fortunately, Momma is a stamper and one of the ladies in her Sunday School class, Ms. Linda Cooper is also a talented paper crafter, sweet friend and one of my first customers 8 years ago. She came to help. With a helper at each project, we were able to help them complete their projects with some success. We made cute candy wrappers, book marks and a card.

I ended up liking them so much, I think I'll wait and share them for the blog hop this month! So you will need to come back to see what all we made. Well, It's off to get some things checked off my to do list. I pray you have a great day. Be Blessed and bless someone else in your influnce today.Thank you for stopping by and for leaving a comment (hint, hint) to let me know you where here! See you tomorrow!
Love Stamping in Dixie,
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